Looking to invest in some hardware but not sure where to start? This article is for you.
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Brydie, a former vet tech turned Vet Radar Business Development Executive, discusses how going digital can transform a practice's clinical processes.
Why are effective communication skills important and what you can do to facilitate better information exchange in your clinic?
Pet ownership rates reach an all-time high in the wake of the pandemic - and it could have a lasting impact on the veterinary industry.
Math probably isn’t your favorite part of the job. Vet Radar eliminates manual CRI calculations so you can spend more time doing the work you actually...
How Vet Radar can slash unnecessary administrative overheads and reduce workplace stress.
A high-level overview of what to expect in your first six months of using Vet Radar.
Today’s veterinary practices can use technology to strengthen and optimize their organizational processes.
The top 5 benefits of going digital.